INTRODUCTION is dedicated with providing the best possible service to our customers.  This disclosure details our network management practices, performance characteristics and commercial terms.  The details are subject to change, without notice, but will always be posted, in its most recent form to our website at this address.  The information provided in this disclosure is not to be considered a contract between you and, but to provide you with information to understand our service and to help you to be more informed regarding your choice of internet provider.   It also does not obligate to provide any specific level of service, nor network configuration, nor does it create any rights not already provided to the consumer under applicable law.


BLOCKING – does not specifically block any port, however we reserve the right to do so insofar as it may become necessary to provide service to the subscriber-base as a whole.

THROTTLING – We adopt no practice, other than reasonable network management noted above, that degrades or impairs access to lawful Internet traffic based on content, application, service, user, or use of a non-harmful device.

AFFILLIATED AND PAID PRIORITIZATION – is a neutral platform.  We do not prioritize traffic from specific content providers in consideration of monetary or other means of consideration.

CONGESTION MANAGEMENT – reserves the right to employ industry-standard network management techniques to ensure the best internet experience for its subscribers.  This may include, but not limited to limiting the number of customers on one tower, sector, node or segment.

APPLICATION-SPECIFIC BEHAVIOR – Whereas it’s our policy not to block specific ports or protocols, we reserve the right to do so in the future if the analysis of use indicates that a specific application or protocol poses a threat to network stability or security.

DEVICE-ATTACHMENT RULES – Our customers are free to attach any non-harmful device to our network, but we reserve the right to place limitations in the event said device poses a threat to network stability or security.  For more information, please see our Acceptable Use Policy.

SECURITY – We maintain several internal processes and procedures to ensure your security and privacy.  (See our Privacy Policy.)



SERVICE DESCRIPTION – provides rural broadband access to its subscribers over a hybrid network utilizing three main technologies.  The first uses microwave point-to-multipoint (PMP) links from a network of towers to a receiving dish and radio on the customer’s premise.  Secondly, in select areas, we provide fiber-to-the-home (FttH).  Thirdly, we provide wireless by means of LTE technology utilizing our private network of small-cells.  We offer a variety of plans.  Please see our plans page for more details on pricing and speeds. We continue to deploy our network and it’s our goal to serve the vast majority of the same area in which Jackson Electric Cooperative provides power.’s network provisioning and engineering practices are designed to enable its customers to receive the speeds for the packages to which they subscribe.  However, it is important to note that there are many factors external to our network and beyond our control which may impact actual speeds our customers are able to actually attain.  Such factors include, but are not limited to:

  • Capability of end-user’s device(s), which include factors such as the device’s age, operating system, presence of viruses & malware, and # of simultaneous applications (or devices) running.
  • Home WiFi connection speed.
  • Congestion on website or service being visited or used.
  • Fluctuations in latency within connecting networks outside of’s network, such as gaming servers and streaming video sites.
  • Capability of hardware used to connect to the internet (modems, routers, gateways, and their associated firmware.)


PRICE – Our current residential plan and price list can be found at the following link. Please call the office at 361-771-4444 and speak to our Customer Service Team for fiber-to-the-home (FttH) options or for options for commercial customers.  Unless otherwise stated, new service is subject to a 2-year contract and an early-termination fee is applicable.

PRIVACY POLICIES – Please refer to the Privacy Policy on our website for full details.

CONTACT US – Even though we make every effort to provide the most reliable network possible, we know things aren’t always going to go right.  When you have a problem with your service, we want to know about it so we can fix it.  To that end, we’ve implemented a 7×24 call center, and limited after-hours weekend support. The fastest way to reach us is always 361-771-4444.  We answer this number at the local office during business hours, but it will forward to our third-party call center after hours, or during the day if our local customer-service team are all on the phone.

Alternately, if your request is not urgent, you have the option of contacting us via email at, or on Facebook.  Please be aware that these alternate options are available, but they are not monitored 7×24.  Please call in any service issue to the number above for the fastest possible service.